Legislature adjourned – we still need your help + 3 bills you need to know about
OCTOBER 02, 2023

Legislature adjourned – we still need your help + 3 bills you need to know about

The CRA needs your help! The legislature has adjourned, and it’s up to Governor Newsom to take action on several important bills. We encourage our members to use our Voter Voice system to “Take Action” and amplify our message. S.B. 476 (Limon) proposes that the employer, not the employee, bears the costs and responsibility of obtaining a California Food Handler Certification and CRA-sponsored bill A.B. 1217 (Gabriel), which simplifies the permitting process for serving alcohol and satellite food in expanded outdoor dining areas.

Over the weekend, the governor vetoed S.B. 799 (Portantino), rejecting the notion that the unemployment insurance fund should be available to workers choosing not to work- and at a cost to all employers. Thank you to everyone who participated in our previous “Calls to Action” to help make this victory possible.